Requirement: You MUST have a Post Model and a Comment Model.
In your respective view file: /app/view/posts/view.ctp
$i = 0; // a counter to create new divs
foreach ($posts as $post) :
// Code to display your post title, body etc.
// Now our comment form for each post
$new_comment = 'new_comment_'.$i ; // for comment div id
$form_id = 'form_id_'.$i; // for form id
echo '<div id="'. $new_comment .'"</div>';
echo $ajax->form(array('type' => 'post', 'options' => array(
echo $form->input('comment',array('label'=>'Write your comment','type'=>'textarea', 'cols'=>'60','rows'=>'4'));
echo $form->end('Submit'); // close the form
// now close div
echo '</div>';
- - - - - - - - -
The idea is to create unique div to position each form and creating unique id for each form.
The idea is to create unique div to position each form and creating unique id for each form.
I created this post just before leaving for my office on the fly. Let me know if it helps.
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